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  • 김종배 교수
    페이스북 아이콘 유투브 아이콘 다음카페





    컴퓨터구조, 소프트웨어공학, 운영체제, 데이터통신, 빅데이터의이해와활용


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    박사 : 경북대학교

    석사 : 경북대학교

    학사 : 부산대학교


    現 세종사이버대학교 소프트웨어공학과 교수

    現 방송통신위원회 본인확인기관 지정 및 평가 위원장

    現 한국정보화진흥원 공공데이터 품질관리 수준평가 심사원

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    現 한국정보화진흥원 감리사 출제위원

    現 한국산업인력관리공단 국가자격증 출제 및 검토위원

    現 한국공항공사 자문위원

    서울디지털대학교 컴퓨터공학과 교수

    세종대학교 컴퓨터공학부 전임 초빙교수

    울산대학교 전기전자컴퓨터공학부 전임연구원

    University of Munster (Germany), Research Scholar

    Georgia Institute of Technology (USA), Visiting Scholar

    과학기술정보통신부 유공 장관 표창 (2016)

    방송통신위원회 유공 위원장 표창 (2017)

    과학기술 정보통신 유공 대통령 표창 (2020)

    논문 및 실적

    [International Journals (SCI급)]

    1. “Study on the human bio-signals analysis using machine learning for driver fatigue monitoring”, Basic & Clinical Pharmacology & Toxicology, Vol. 123, No.37, pp.13-14, 2018.

    2. “Efficient Monitoring Method of Personally Identifiable Information on Images Exposed in the Web”, Journal of Internet Technology, Vol. 18, No. 7, pp.1573-1585, 2017.

    3. “Efficient Vanishing Point Detection for Advanced Driver Assistance System”, Advanced Science Letter, Vol. 23, No.5, pp.4115-4118, 2017.

    4. “Detection and recognition of road markings for advanced driver assistance system”, LNEE, Springer, Vol. 354, pp. 325-331, 2016.

    5. “Efficient Detection of Direction Indicators on Road Surfaces in Car Black-Box for Supporting Safe Driving”, International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp.123-129, 2015.

    6. "Hough Transform-based road detection for advanced driver assistance systems”, LNCS, Springer, Vol. 9242, pp.281-287, 2015.

    7. "Image Classification Method Using Support Vector Machine for Privacy Incident Response System”, LNEE, Springer, Vol. 309, pp. 891-896, 2014.

    8. "Development of a robust traffic surveillance system using wavelet support vector machines and wavelet invariant moments”, Information-An International Interdisciplinary Journal, International Information Institute, Vol. 16. No.6(A), pp. 3787-3800, 2013.

    9. "Detection of Traffic Signs Based on Eigen-color Model and Saliency Model in Driver Assistance Systems”, International Journal of Automotive Technology, Vol. 14. No.3, pp. 429-439, 2013.

    10. "MSER and SVM-based Vehicle License Plate Detection and Recognition System”, Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS 310), Springer, Daejeon, S.Korea, pp. 529-535, 2012.

    11. "Vision-Based Location Positioning using Augmented Reality for Indoor Navigation”, IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 54, No.3, pp. 954-962, 2008.

    12. "Geometric-Based Error Concealment for Concealing Transmission Errors and Improving Visual Quality”, IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 16, No. 8, pp 974-981, 2006.

    13. "A Personal Locating System using the Vision-Based Augmented Reality”, LNAI 3809, pp. 1262-1266, 2005.

    14. "A Personal Identity Annotation Overlay System using a Wearable Computer for Augmented Reality”, IEEE Transaction on Consumer Electronics, Vol. 49, No. 4, pp. 1457-1467, 2003.

    15. "A Spatio-Temporal Error Concealment Using Genetic Algorithm and Isophote Constrains”, IEICE Transaction on Fundamentals: Special Issue on Digital Signal Processing, Vol. E86-A, No. 8, pp. 1949-1955, 2003.

    [Domestics Journals]

    1. “Safety Improvement Methods of Personal Identification Services using the I-Pin”, Journal of Information Technology Services, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 97-110, 2017.

    2. “Detection of direction indicators on road surfaces using Inverse Perspective Mapping and NN”, Journal of Information Processing of Korean, vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 201-208, 2015.

    3. “Traffic Lights Detection Based on Visual Attention and Spot-Lights Regions Detection”, Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, Vol.51, No.6, pp.1260-1270, 2014.

    4. “Study on Construction Method of Hybrid Web-based Smart Learning Systems”, Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, Vol.49, No.9, pp.370-378, 2012.

    5. “Detection of Visual Attended Regions in Road Images for Assisting Safety Driving”, Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, Vol.49SC, No.1, pp. 84-92, 2012.

    6. “A study on features analysis for retrieving image containing personal information on the web”, Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, Vol.48CI, No.3, pp. 91-101, 2011.

    7. “Traffic sign detection using the HSI eigen-color model and invariant moments”, Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, Vol. 47CI, No. 1, pp.41-50, 2010.

    8. “Indoor positioning using the WLAN-based wavelet and neural network”, Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, Vol. 45CI, No. 5, pp.38-47, 2008.

    9. “Real-time moving object recognition and tracking using the wavelet-based neural network and invariant moments”, Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, Vol. 45SP, No. 4, pp. 304-315, 2008.

    11. “A study of compatibility and security problems of the windows vista based on user, Special issue: Information Security, Journal of the Ubiquitous Society of Korea, pp.119-124, 2007.

    12. “A Method for Restoring Trademark and Caption Area using Isophote Information”, Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, Vol. 41SP, No. 3, pp. 191-197, 2004.

    13. “A Method for the Increasing Efficiency of Watershed based Image Segmentation using Haar Wavelet Transform”, Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, Vol. 40SP, No. 1, pp. 149-158, 2003.

    14. “Region-Based Moving Object Segmentation for Video Monitoring System”, Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, Vol. 40CI, No. 1, pp. 30-38, 2003.

    15. “Learning-Based Approach For License Plate Recognition”, Journal of the Institute of Signal Processing and Systems, Vol. 1, pp. 1-11, 2001.

    [International Conferences]

    1. “Pedestrian Detection and Distance Estimation Using Thermal Camera in Night Time”, IEEE ICAIIC, pp.463-466, 2019.

    2. “Efficient Detection of Direction Indicators on Road Surfaces for Supporting Safe Driving using Matlab Simulink model”, 2015 ICCC, pp.47-48 , 2015.

    3. “Hough Transform-based road detection for advanced driver assistance systems”, 2015 ICISBDE, 2015.

    4. “Detection of road direction indicators using MSER and template matching for vehicle black box system”, World IT congress, pp.1-13, 2015.

    5. “Detecting Privacy Information Exposed to an Image'”, ITC-CSCC 2013, pp.878-880, 2013.

    6. “MSER and SVM-based Vehicle License Plate Detection and Recognition System”, CCIS 310, pp.529-535, 2012.

    7. “Wavelet-Based Intelligent Traffic Surveillance for Detection and Tracking of Moving Objects”, ICEIC 2012, pp.556-557, 2012.

    8. “A real-time moving object detection using wavelet-based neural network”, IEEE ICCE 2009, pp.1-2, 2009.

    9. “AR-Based Indoor Navigation System for Personal Locating”, IEEE ICCE 2006, pp.217-218, 2006.

    10. “Efficient Face Transmission for MPEG-4 Mobile Videophone via the Wireless Internet”, IEEE ICCE 2006, pp.379-380, 2006.

    11. “MAGIC BRUSH: A System for Automatic Removal and Restoration of a Region in Digital Video”, IEEE ICCE 2005, pp.247-248, 2005.

    12. “Efficient Error Concealment using Best Neighborhood Matching and Genetic Algorithm”, ACCV, pp.1158-1163, 2004.

    13. “Restoration of Regions Occluded by a Caption in TV Scene”, IEEE TENCON’03, pp.817-820, 2003.

    14. "A Person Annotation Overlay Using a Wearable Computer for Augmented Reality", IEEE ICCE 2003, pp.244-245, 2003.

    15. "Wavelet-Based Morphological Approach for Detection of Human Face Region", IEEE ICPR 2002, pp.417-420, 2002.

    [Domestic Conferences]

    1. “Detection of falls down elderly pedestrians based on smartphone”, Proceedings of Brain and AI Symposium, pp. 304, 2019.

    2. “A Study on improvement of the reliability of personal identification service based on the replacement methods of resident registration number by differentiated assurance levels”, Proceedings of KICS, pp. 858-859, 2019.

    3. “Suggestion from trans of digital identification proofing”, Proceedings of KASBA, pp. 3-11, 2018.

    4. “A Study on the traffic light detection in real-time for ADAS”, Proceedings of KICS, pp. 877, 2018.

    5. “A Study on the road crosswalk detection using Haar feature and Cascade object detector for advanced driver assistance system”, Proceedings of KICS, 20B-19, 2018.

    6. “Estimation of omni-directional Vehicle Distance using Inverted Perspective Projection”, Proceedings of IEEK, pp.571-574, 2017.

    7. “Development of Beyond Blind Spot Service for Sharing the Driver Safety Assistance Information”, Proceedings of the KISPS Conference, pp.2024-2026, 2017.

    8. “Development of the technology for safety autonomous navigation of a connected car”, Proceedings of HCI Society, pp.PO2_57, 2017.

    9. “Study of enhancing safety of personal authorization methods”, Proceedings of IEEK, vol. 1, pp.298-301, 2015.

    10. “A Study of improving user authentication procedures for enhanced safety of personal authorization methods”, Proceedings of KIPS, vol. 22, no.2, pp.668-671, 2015.

    11. “Vanishing point detection using the visual saliency model and Hough transform in road images”, Proceedings of KMMS, vol. 18, no.1, pp.450, 2015.

    12. “The Development of Image Processing Technology for Augmented Reality System “, Proceedings of KSII, vol. 16, no.1, pp.235-236, 2015.

    13. “Development of a driver monitoring technology for supporting older driver “, Proceedings of KIISE, pp.1666-1668, 2014.

    14. “Detection of direction indictors on road surfaces using Inverse Perspective Mapping and NN”, Proceedings of KIPS, vol. 21, no. 2, pp.1199-1204, 2014, best paper

    15. “Development of Robust Traffic Lights Detection in Various Road Environments”, Proceedings of IEEK, pp.174-175, 2014.


    1. 탬플릿 매칭과 히스토그램 기울기 기반의 다단계 학습기를 사용한 시내도로에서 교통신호등 검출 시스템, C-2018-015043, 2018.06.

    2. 교통신호등 검출을 위한 자동화된 탬플릿 생성과 영역 분석 프로그램, C-2018-015042, 2018.06.

    3. 색상정보와 히스토그램 기울기 기반의 다층 학습기를 사용한 교통 표시판 검출 시스템, C-2018-015044, 2018.06.

    4. 색상기반의 자동차 브레이크등 검출 프로그램, C-2017-036319, 2017.12.

    5. 히스토그램 기울기(HOG) 기반의 다단계 학습기를 사용한 자동차 검출 시스템, C-2017-036320, 2017.12.

    6. 히스토그램 기울기(HoG) 기반의 다단계 학습기를 사용한 도로 횡단보도 검출 시스템, C-2017-036321, 2017.12.

    7. 색상정보와 히스토그램 기울기(HOG) 정보를 사용한 도로 과속방지턱 검출 프로그램, C-2017-036322, 2017.12.

    8. 물체 검출기를 위한 사전 영역 분석기, C-2017-036323, 2017.12.

    9. 동영상에서 ROI(관심영역) 자동 추출 및 저장 시스템, C-2016-034227, 2016.12.

    10. 실영상 투영을 위한 역원근 변환 시스템, C-2016-034228, 2016.12.

    11. 도로영상에서 이미지 히스토그램 변화를 이용한 키 프레임 검출시스템, C-2016-034229, 2016.12.

    12. 3차원 영상 획득을 위한 스테레오 영상 처리 프로그램, C-2016-034230, 2016.12.

    13. 사람 지문 자동 분할 및 강화 프로그램, C-2015-028714, 2015.11.

    14. 얼굴인식을 위한 얼굴색상 자동 분할 프로그램, C-2015-028715, 2015.11.

    15. 얼굴영상에서 눈 위치 자동 검출 프로그램, C-2015-028716, 2015.11.


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    스마트 카의 안전한 자율주행을 위한 Beyond Blind Spot 서비스 기술 개발 연구, 2016-2019, NRF

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    전역 최적화 방안을 사용한 영상 개선 및 분류 기술 개발에 관한 연구, 2014, SDU교비

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    PIMS 인증제도 활성화를 위한 사업자 시장조사 용역, 2012, OPA

    고등교육 이러닝 콘텐츠 우수사례, 2011-Smart Learning 시스템 구축 및 운영 선도 대학 사업, 2011, 교육부

    노령운전자 안전운전 지원을 위한 운전작업 중심의 객체 기반 시각적 주의집중 기술 개발 연구, 2010-2015, NRF

    교육정보 자유이용체제 구축 방안 연구, 2010, KERIS

    유비쿼터스 영상 전송 서비스를 위한 의미기반의 객체 추출에 관한 연구, 2009, NRF

    우수교사수업동영상 제작을 위한 저작권 학습콘텐츠 개발, 2009, KERIS

    웨어러블 컴퓨팅을 위한 영상처리 기술을 이용한 실감형 상황인식 연구, 2008, NRF

    지능형 실감 휴대 통신을 위한 증강현실 기반의 상황인식 기술 개발, 2008, NRF

    유비쿼터스 멀티미디어 서비스 제공을 위한 멀티미디어 기술 연구, 2007, 학진

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    Augmented Reality 기반의 디지털 제조 정보 기술 개발, 2005, 학진

    웨어러블 컴퓨터 기반의 증강 현실 시스템을 이용한 유비쿼터스 비디오 통신을 위한 연구, 2004, 교육부