

세종사이버대학교는 여러분과 함께 희망찬 미래를 꿈꾸고 만들어 갈 것입니다.

이민정, "사이버대학 채팅서비스에 대한 성공요인의 우선순위 도출과 채팅서비스의 구축" (한국컴퓨터정보학회, 2018.)



사이버대학 채팅서비스대한 성공요인우선순위 도출채팅서비스구축
A Study on Priority for Success Factors for Chatting Service of Cyber University and Implementation of Chatting Service


As the competition of 21 cyber universities in Korea has been on a continual increase, they are focusing on improving the quality of the e-learning education in cyber universities. In this study, we intended to derive the failure factors of the previous chatting system in the 2010s and the success factors from previous studies. Next, we identified priorities among five factors(Reliability, UI Convenience, Usability, Network effect, Operational policy) using AHP and the practical ways to implement the chatting service. We applied the chatting system to all the curriculums of S cyber university. Our study finds that the chat service affects the satisfaction of education. Finally, we propose the utilization plan to improve the e-learning education of cyber university through the findings of this research.