

세종사이버대학교는 여러분과 함께 희망찬 미래를 꿈꾸고 만들어 갈 것입니다.

어윤선, "외식 프랜차이즈 기업 직원의 혁신적 직무행동과 조직 문화 및 직무몰입과의 관계 연구" (한국외식산업학회, 2020.)



외식 프랜차이즈 기업 직원혁신적 직무행동조직 문화 직무몰입과의 관계 연구
A Study on Relationships among the Innovative Job Behavior, Organizational Culture, and Job Engagement of Restaurant Franchise Firm Employees


Even though the Korean dining franchise market has short trend change cycles and is a market of great uncertainty, it is facing an environment with a social environment structure in which competition is fierce and dynamic. Therefore, external risk factors should be minimized or avoided through innovative management methods and businesses must be managed stably. For this, innovative work behavior that can bring innovation to work within organizations is essential. Therefore, this study attempts to verify the influential relationship between the innovative work behavior of individual organization members and the creation of proper organizational culture. Also, it attempts to verify the effects between innovative work behavior and work that individuals are responsible for. Research results showed that the innovative work behavior of dining franchise business employees affect the innovative culture of organizations. Also, when the innovative work behavior of organization members and organization culture are settled, organizational members become absorbed in the organization.